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Founded Department of Political Science Faculty of the University of Iraq under the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, And open the door for admission of the preliminary studies for the academic year 2005 – 2006 and it was decided to accept (50 students), and in the 2006-2007 school year were accepted (110) students in the subsequent school years were accepted varying numbers of students and still continues.


Cemented and deepen the knowledge of political science with assets and the principles and rules and management mechanisms of public affairs (judgment) in Iraq and other world countries at the level of theoretical and on the level of political practices down to the preparation of specialists through the curricula of solid scientific and high level of maturity and scientific Sassi to serve our country.


Familiarity semester of Political Science and assets of the foundations and principles of political science and the rules of political action at both the official and popular and graduating specialists have the political knowledge and the ability to manage Cun state at the local, national and international.

  1. effective contribution in the numbers of cadres specialized in political science-based methodology to the scientific and academic ability granted by the academic research and practice in the field and in the field of competence of Graduate Studies.
  2. the number of teaching staffs efficient in the field of competence of political science to meet the needs of colleges and high schools and junior high, and, in the process of political transformation, where the legislative and presidential elections require periodic provide staffs specialized in this field.
  3. preparation to work in the Foreign Ministry and Iraqi embassies abroad and international organizations, where Iraqi broad representation, and in public relations, media and the press.
  4. activating the movement of scientific research in the field of political, social, and political counseling for political and partisan entities and organizations, and government departments and institutions related.
  5. to provide scientific advice to ministries and government departments and relevant international and regional organizations and civil society institutions

Based on these objectives, the obligation to scientific and academic rules applicable universally colleges and departments of political science at the university level Iraqi, Arab, and international, in the distribution of courses and units in the study of the vocabulary of political science, and Magherrth by UNESCO in September / 1948 ff.

Specialization outputs

To prepare graduates who are qualified to study political science with scientific thinking and the ability to research and investigate scientific truth in the field of political thought, political systems, the third world and international studies. Preparing specialists to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, universities, international and regional organizations, media, public relations, and teaching human rights and democracy. Encourage scientific research in the fields of political studies. Providing scientific and political consultations to relevant ministries and departments of the State, international and regional organizations and civil society institutions.

What is the specialty

The Department of Political Science specializes in the fundamentals, principles and principles of political science and the rules of political action at the official and popular levels, knowledge of political knowledge and principles of political action and strengthening the capacity to manage state affairs at the local, national and international levels. All political levels to serve the public interest and support the requirements of the labor market.

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